What is the Average Cost of Living in Hays County, Texas?

The cost of living in Hays County, Texas is 13% higher than the U.S. average. Learn more about the cost of living in Hays County and how to calculate your expenses.

What is the Average Cost of Living in Hays County, Texas?

The cost of living in Hays County, Texas, is $113, which is 13% higher than the U. S. average of $100. According to the U.

Department of State, Hays is ranked 151 out of 273 cities in terms of cost of living. The Cost of Living Index estimates that the cost of housing in Hays is 97.9% of the national average. To get an accurate estimate of your cost of living in Hays, you can use a calculator to provide you with a breakdown of your monthly expenses for food, utilities, transportation, housing, healthcare, and other miscellaneous items. The minimum wage you need to live in Hays is the sum of your daily expenses (food, utilities, transportation, entertainment), your monthly expenses related to housing (rent, mortgage, insurance, maintenance), any debt expenses (monthly interest payments and capital amortizations), as well as your savings and investment objectives.

Hays is part of the Austin-Round Rock metropolitan area and according to the C2ER (Council for Economic and Community Research), the cost of living in Hays is estimated at 92.8% of the national average, making it an average American city. Therefore, it should be noted that when considering moving to Hays County, Texas, a cost of living 13% higher than the U. average must be taken into account.