Demographics of Hays County, Texas: An Expert's Perspective

Discover an expert's insight into the demographics of Hays County TX. Learn about its population size and composition as well as its homeownership rate and car ownership groups.

Demographics of Hays County, Texas: An Expert's Perspective

Hays County, Texas is home to a population of 223 thousand people, of whom 94.5% are citizens. The chart below shows the 7 races represented in Hays County, Texas, as a proportion of the total population. The homeownership rate in Hays County, Texas is 62.2%, which is roughly equal to the national average of 64.4%. Primary care physicians in Hays County, Texas see an average of 2,349 patients per year, an increase of 0.256 percent from the previous year (2,343 patients).The chart below shows homes in Hays County, Texas distributed among a number of car ownership groups compared to the national averages for each group.

The most common employment sectors for those living in Hays County, Texas are retail (13,876 people), educational services (13,768 people) and health care (26%), social assistance (12,280 people). The largest universities in Hays County, Texas are Texas State University (9,313 degrees were awarded in 2002) and the Total Transformation Cosmetology Institute (25 degrees). None of the households in Hays County, Texas reported that their shared primary language was to speak a language other than English at home. Car ownership in Hays County, Texas is roughly the same as the national average, with an average of 2 cars per household. The following chart shows how the percentage of uninsured people in Hays County, Texas changed over time compared to the percentage of people enrolled in various types of health insurance.

This visualization illustrates the percentage of students graduating with a bachelor's degree from schools in Hays County, Texas by specialty. Over the past 50 years, some counties were merged or divided and the resulting data was redistributed to other counties. With 269,225 inhabitants, Hays County is the 19th most populated county in the state of Texas out of 254 counties. The most common workgroups by number of people living in Hays County are sales-related occupations (13,268 people), management occupations (13,043 people), and administrative support occupations (26% of offices) (12,822 people).The percentage of foreign-born residents in Hays County is compared to that of their neighboring geographies and matrices. Webb County and McLennan County have 267 thousand and 266 thousand inhabitants respectively.

It's an ideal starting point for your research on Hays County and the rest of Texas.